
Showing posts from 2010

mode: serius

hey my precious baby...

one by one..biting the dust?

how insignificant am i?

si putra

3 rempit kampung

my men

Don't take it serious but mildly serious?

perlu ke title?



benda yang sering terjadi walaupun hari raya

Choices in life.

What happened yesterday?

dear boteng,

oy tupai,

A haunting empty, blanked mind.

if only that i have the courage to tell...

a quick moment

A lady whom I see everyday

jangan tanya kenapa

lame tak update


the sweetest of all.

hey you smiling guy,

One thing that I learn in this life

hari ini dalam history.

i just don't want to screw things up

nak tahu tak?

lost of words...

a new hobby of mine.

this is chaotic. trust me.

today's weird mood.

target aku

Phase yang seterusnya

aku lah yang bodoh

AMARAN: orang-orang yg hati batu, sinis, menggelabah, dan tak percaya cinta, JANGAN BACA!

geng sekolah

matlamat bulan mac

manusia biadab!

that 70s show memories part 1

jom makan biskut

Adilah Abdul Rahman

siti amuk lagi

2nd day in LUCT


the first time I write in my blog was about him...

tahun ini dalam sejarah!

new year resolution?