it has been a while kan?

ni ayot, membe baru aku. comel budak ni weh. SUMPAH!

hey2 blog kecintaan aku! rindu gile aku nak post karangan skolah rendah aku. well for your info, aku dh jdik artis skrang (poyo!). ehh..honestly, aku main gamelan untuk convo uitm. untuk pengetahuan semua la's so damn tiring and i would have never expected that it will be this bad! penat ya amat weh! tak tipu kitorg main gamelan from 9am to 5pm! macam orang keje opis! but the difference is that org lain menaip kt pc, laptop or ym, ktorg main gamelan, ketuk2 alat2 muzik, smbil duduk, tidak bersandar dan yang paling menarik, dalam suhu takat beku 0' C! serious tahi pnye la. malam2 aku diisi dengan kebosanan tanpa internet dan laptop di sisi cuma esah sebagai peneman! (boring...) hehe. tp ape yang best is that the experience of seeing how convocation goes like. agak menarik especially for those who study here in uitm sbb ade agong datang, sgt2 happening dan Pening sbb tersangat2 rmai org, ade nobat main...sgt best ok! lg gempak dr musik rock yg kite puja2 and of course la ade gamelan! they are spending a lot for the convocation and it is being held secara besar-besaran beb! fresh flowers are everywhere! kt luar yg menjual and also dalam DSB di setiap penjuru ruang2 kosong dewan, they decorated it with fresh flowers and they change the flowers everyday! this is for the sake of nk celebrate the seniors for graduating! gempak wa cakap lu! kalo uni lain tgk convo uitm sure2 dengki! haha. yang dorg akan lg jeles is that of cos la....players gamelan main live, iring graduands naik amek scroll..(yes...each and everyone of them!) mcm2 lagi nk cite but smpai ni dulu la. ngntok! ni pon nk wat syarat jek... jaa ne~


  1. hey hey.
    nnt kang aku kawen,ko mai main gamelan kat kenduri aku yek:P

  2. bisa abok. bisa. ape2 hal ko kontek jek aku. u knw where and how to find me~


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