yay! selamatlah sudah segala observation untuk practicum period aku. i'm so worn out today. penat gile beb! semalam lepas abes skolah, smpai2 rumah menaip lesson plan, membuat ABM untuk PNP. *gosh, i sound like a teacher now..
i didn't get the time for dinner or to do anything else. tp aku sempat plak layan the beauty shop. best plak. there was a black guy name, Joe. i believe he's an african. he speaks french-english with that beautiful accent. sambil2 layan cite tu sambil2 finishing up with the works from school. tersangatlah penat.
let me tell you a little bit story of what i have planned for 28th august (thursday). i planned two wonderful lessons for my form 1 and form 2 students. it was my last observation by the supervisor which means, i still have 2 weeks more to go but my supervisor doesn't have to come to observe me at school anymore. relieve la sket. alhamdulillah.
by the way, budak2 nih bising betol dalam kelas td! pening palo. and then, before the school started, kitorg makan2 dominoes. ye la kan early farewell party since that time nak blah nanti bulan puase takleh nak makan2. so buat la awal2 nih. tapi i did a makan2 with 2A jek. dgn the other 2 classes, bagi hadiah je kot.
plan untuk form 1 students was to teach them literature. one thing that i forgot about today's class is that there is a floating class. maksudnye, class dah kena cilok dgn budak pagi. so we had to use other empty classes for the PNP. di mana aku tersangatlah benci system ini kerana ia bukan sahaja menyusahkan aku malahan 2 period-class aku terbuang begitu sahaja. sikit punya cun aku plan lesson. tp tak interactive. and as usual, budak2 nih memang suka memekak buat aku mcm tunggul kat depan. i'm so fed up! maybe sbb dah lagi nak akhir2 ni lagi la aku menyampah. dah la penat. keje belambak. kena dtg awal. ada org nak observe. students bising. AE yang ntah kemana. wahh..penat nye. in all, ok la. lesson for the day was carried out accordingly. mase madam Lim datang observe pon .... o.k...la...
penat teramat sangat. waktu balik td aku 3G dgn mak aku. rindu gile. baru brape hari balik sini. dpt tgk die sengih2 dgn rambot "blonde" die tuh pon aku terubat sikit stress. aku rse due to my period and my PMS, aku jd sasau. dah la nak tdo malam pon susah. bangun apetah lagi!
aku tatau nape aku byk sangat membebel this time round. suka hati la labu.
one more thing. aku dah dpt syndrome kerinduan blk. time period ni la nak emo2, nak marah2, nak tensi2, nak romentik2, nak loving2, nak ngada2, nak mkn byk, semua la...
mane la si wahyu nih. tak rindu kt aku ke? kang aku carik org lain baru tau. but the thing is, ADE ke org NAK kt aku? hahahhahaha. gelak2.
mode skarang: LAPAQ!
org2 rumah ni plak dh hilang tatau pegi mane. smpei ati meninggalkan aku. *tsk*
time ni la tbe2 lagu2 indo romantic berkumandang dlm telinga aku. ohh..mlm td aku rse fie ngigau. die ngigau humming lagu, "ohh..mas mona..(mona..mona..)" lagu ONE NATION EMCEES hari tuh. tdo pon bley ngigau nyanyi lagu.
gile kelaka.
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