Before I got stuck with pile of works

Okay here's a thing. I am going to miss my mom, my dad, my lappy and of course, my room!

I know... It's not that I'm going anywhere far away from home but Shah Alam can be rather far and those tons of assignments might distant me from all of this! (and of course, the jolly rides of life with my friends)

I am going to miss mom's cooking though I might get the chance to come home almost every weekend but I have promised myself that I'll stay in Shah Alam to finish everything first before I go back every week.

Hence, I am going to make sure that I will become a new MOI!

Seriously, can't wait for new year!!



  1. alololo...baru ke shah alam dah berterabur..... ha ha ha..

  2. ikan pari: siyot jek ko. ko tak smpai shah alam lg ko dah berterabur.....ha ha ha..


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